

Faithfully Point to Jesus in Your Meetings

By Vision, Meetings, Responsibility No Comments

Several weeks ago Austin and I had a good small group meeting. People were open and honest. We had a good discussion about the message. We have a guy who attends our group who is not a believer. He mostly listened. He felt welcomed and enjoyed being a part of the group. After our group meeting that night Austin said something to me that was very insightful and helpful. He said, “That was a good group but did it feel…

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Why Trust the Bible

By Communicate Beliefs, Meetings, Lifestyle, Responsibility, Podcast No Comments

Q: Why do you believe in and trust the Bible? -what are the intellectual, emotional, “spiritual” reasons? Q: What reasons have you had or heard that people have had, who struggle to trust the Bible? Francis Schaeffer wrote, “The God who is there” “He is there and he is not silent.” He had a ministry in Switzerland where students from all over the world, in a pre-internet time (1955-1984)found their way to his house, L’bri (shelter). Many people, came to…

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Leadership Community Fall 2023

By Responsibility, Mission, Podcast No Comments

We focused on Mission at Leadership in the fall. Terry began by talking about F.I.T.S. Which stands for Friendships, Identify with Christ, Team up with Others, Share the Gospel. Each of these aspects should be approached with prayer. God is the one at work, we are invited to join him. During the training a different leader came up and talked about how they have lived out each of these different aspects. Trace shared three methods for sharing the gospel. He…

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