River Ministry Partners

Qualification of Ministry Partners

  1. Philosophy – Alignment with River’s philosophy of ministry
  2. Theology – Alignment on River’s theology
  3. Personal Involvement – Several committed members of River personally involved with the ministry
  4. Duration of Time – River members involvement with the ministry over a long period of time. 

If you have questions about one of these partners or need help getting connected, talk with Rodney rodney@rivercc.org

River M Care Team

Provide care and connection for families from River who are serving overseas.
Contact: Kevin Schwemmer maranathariver@gmail.com

Opportunities to Serve

Email Kevin to be connected with the email lists from friends overseas.

Onelink International

Recruit, Train, and Send college students to unreached people groups overseas.
Contact: office@onefocuslink.com

Opportunities to Serve

Feb & March – Team Leader Training in Wichita

May – Orientation for summer teams

Monthly – Prepare newsletter to be sent.

CORE 520

Support for refugees and outreach to unreached people in Wichita.
Contact: Rodney rodney@rivercc.org

Opportunities to Serve

Donate and deliver furniture and household goods to refugees

Training for cross cultural missions.

Heart of Kansas So. Baptist Association

Local association of churches that we cooperate with in Wichita for church planting and church health.
Contact: Glenn Davis glenn@hoksba.org

Opportunities to Serve

Support new churches with construction, clean up, or events.

Upcoming Opportunity – Oct 3rd Associational Gathering at Hiawatha


Support, Counseling, and care for women considering abortion.
Contact: Patty Lewis plewis@embracewichita.org

Opportunities to Serve

June – Change for Life Fundraiser

December – Angel Tree Baby Supply Drive

Volunteer at the Embrace Office

Save money throughout the semester and at Christmas time participate in Angel Tree

Youth Horizons

Mentoring for at-risk boys and girls. Residential home for boys and opening soon a residential home for girls
Contact: Robert Garner robert.garner@youthhorizons.net

Opportunities to Serve

Mentor a boy at the ranch.

Work Project at the boys ranch.

Get involved with the new girls home.

Help with Youth Horizons’ events.

CAYM (Christian Association of Youth Mentors)

Training and establishing mentoring programs around the country.
Contact: Donnovan Karber donnovan@caym.org

Opportunities to Serve

Mentor a boy at Youth Horizons boys ranch.

Become a part of Donnovan’s support team.

Hope’s Gate

Outreach to women working in strip clubs in Wichita.
Contact: Jamie Proffer hopes.gate@yahoo.com

Opportunities to Serve

Christmas & Easter – Gifts and cookies for the people working in the clubs.

Help with decorating the dressing rooms.

Write scripture cards.

Write notes of encouragement.

FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)

Outreach and encouragement to College athletes and coaches. Keith works primarily with Friends University and WSU
Keith Townsendktownsend@fca.org

Opportunities to Serve

Provide food for one of Keith’s meetings.

Join Keith’s support team.