Brenda spoke about mentoring as the bottom line of a group leader’s ministry. She also went through our leadership core commitments.
Terry recasts the vision for the reality that our Beliefs shape our values which in turn inform our behaviors. He gave us an overview of group life and then the staff led the time through the different components of group life: Meetings, Mission, Member Care, and Mentoring.
Terry talked about the meaning of being well-differentiated as a leader and took the leaders through some exercises to help people think about the importance of being well-differentiated. The well-differentiated leader is someone who cares and is connected but it not controlled by the drama and emotions of others.
Jim, Brenda, and Rodney talk with group leaders about mentoring threats and opportunities.
Terry talking about the importance of seeing people as whole persons. We are spiritual / physical hybrids. A group leader’s responsibility is in seeing people with the whole person in mind. The physical, spiritual, mental and relational are all facets of a persons life.
As a church we just finished going through the book of 2 Timothy. Terry took a few minutes to highlight a few key lesson from group life from our time in 2 Timothy.
First Saturday in February, 7:45 in the morning…I had left home about 5 to drive to Topeka. I wasn’t feeling exceptionally encouraged…I wasn’t feeling much of anything except tired. The person running the meeting looked at me and asked, “Chaplain, have anything for us?” I looked around the room of about 30 people…wearing masks…hard to discern what was on their minds. My mind quickly scrolled through some thoughts: -First of course… I’m tired and don’t really feel like saying…
Brenda introduced a model for mentoring called the grow model. It is an acrostic that can help direct in a mentoring relationship or direct a leader as they are seeking to grow in a certain area. G.R.O.W. What is your FOCUS? Goal: Where do you want to go? What do you want to achieve? Why is it important? Reality (Current Reality): Where are you now? Obstacles/Options: What prevents moving towards goal? How can you move through or past the obstacle?…
Terry talks about leading through times of crisis and the importance of being well-differentiated. Hand – Out Related to the teaching.